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Clean(ish) Eating Hacks


For anybody that has bought TheBakerWhey Comeback Plan or follows my Instagram account, you will know that I don’t count my calories or macros. I prefer to keep my diet clean and simple with a few treats here and there.

As an Online Coach, I do calculate my clients’ macros when they initially start their bespoke programme, this isn’t necessarily to encourage a strict eating regime, because I don’t believe in that, instead it is to help people learn about the food they are consuming to fuel their body. To put it simply, if you enjoy a cup of tea, you know exactly how much milk to put in every time because you have done it for so long, this is where I want my clients to be with their food preparation. The aim is to allow them to have more freedom with their food choices whilst still eating nutrient rich foods. The progress they make through their programme is a lifestyle change, rather than a phase or fad diet.

I have set out three clean eating hacks below that help me stay on track when I am struggling.


And no, I do not mean lining up 10 of your Amazon Tupperware boxes and filling them with chicken and broccoli on a Sunday afternoon – although if this works for you, carry on.

Organisation is key to your preparation. Write your food shopping list for the week, and set time aside on a Sunday to go buy what you need for the whole week (get those steps in as you wonder round), alternatively, book that ‘Click and Collect’ slot so you don’t get stuck behind a Sunday shopper, better still, get it delivered to your door. If you haven’t done an online shop before, you should get involved, it will even save your ‘Shopping List’ so requires little adjustment and doesn’t take long to order.

So, you’re now an online shopper, but that isn’t your issue in terms of preparation, it’s the meals when you get in from work that set you back. You’re tired and you cannot be bothered to cook, especially as you have to get that gym session in. I’m not a patient person when it comes to food, so I am here to tell you, buy those pre-sliced mushrooms and the chopped peppers and onions. Don’t panic about using microwaveable sweet potato mash, frozen vegetables, or rice in a bag. Whilst you’re at it, buy yourself a Health Grill which will cook fresh meat and fish in a matter of minutes, they really aren’t that expensive, and will save you so much time.

If you get bored of having the same foods every day for lunch, instead of preparing your lunch for the whole week, plan to cook extra each night and just box it up for an easy lunch.

You’ll find recipes for speedy meals and slower roasts in the recipe section of the website.


If you had told me a few years ago that I would have a spice rack that varied beyond salt and pepper, I would have laughed. Obviously, there are plenty of seasonings and spices out there to help you flavour meat, fish, and vegetables. Experiment and find out what you like. On my spice rack, apart from my salt and pepper, I always have cinnamon to flavour my oats, smoked paprika for my eggs, and chilli flakes. I also love a smoky BBQ seasoning and garlic granules.

Aside from the spices, I love Fry Light spray. There are many flavours, but I always keep a chilli, garlic, and avocado Fry Light spray in my cupboard.

Treat yourself to lazy garlic, ginger, and chilli, because nobody needs the hassle of preparing those at the end of a busy day.

Tinned chopped tomatoes, passata, and dried pasta always come in handy too


No, I am not talking about your cheat meal, you don’t have to cheat for it to be a treat…

Number 3 is aimed at reminding you to treat yourself to the better-quality products so that sticking to more nutrient rich food doesn’t become a chore. For example, buy better quality mince with a lesser fat percentage or a big slab of salmon to roast alongside some vegetables.

If you have had a long day and all you can think about is a fat burger, spend the money on getting yourself a decent quality steak and some pre-cut sweet potato fries instead, or if you have a little extra time, make the burger at home so you know what goes in it. Keep an eye out for the Burger Recipe on the ‘Food’ section of the website.

There are simple ways to meet your allocated macros without having to eat boring and uninspiring foods.

For a fully bespoke Training and Nutrition package head to the ‘Online Coaching’ section.


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My online coaching includes a full array of workout programs, from resistance training to cardio and active rest sessions, giving you a bespoke exercise schedule.

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